Victorious Caps

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Trusting in God's Unchanging Goodness

The statement "God is Good. All the Time" is not merely a cliché but a profound expression of faith. In our journey with God, there often comes a point where we must separate our circumstances and emotions from what we know to be true about God. Scripture assures us that God does not change and he does not lie.

I've encountered moments in life where I questioned the goodness of the Lord. "If God is good, why does suffering persist?" or "Why do prayers seemingly go unanswered?"

Yet, being victorious is not contingent upon our outward circumstances. Our assurance lies in the presence of Jesus Christ, who can transform everything working against us, our adversity, our shame, our discouragements, our pain, and challenges into triumph. Even in moments of apparent defeat, I claim victory, knowing that God is faithful. My life is a testament to His unwavering goodness and I know yours is too.

Claiming God's goodness amid adversity is an act of faith. It is declaring, amidst trials, that the unchanging God remains good. We can take solace in the knowledge that His plans for us are “to prosper us, and not to harm us, to give us hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11).

One prayer I frequently utter is for God to reveal the evidence of His goodness in my life. Often, we are blinded by our circumstances or preoccupied with unmet desires, failing to recognize the blessings already bestowed upon us. Whether it's the ability to afford gas without worry or the security of a roof over our heads, evidence of God's goodness surrounds us.

The evidence of the Lord's goodness is intrinsic to His nature. He is consistently and inherently good. Embracing this truth requires faith—a conviction that God is indeed wonderfully good no matter what.

Let us, therefore, implore God to unveil the evidence of His goodness in our lives, for He is faithfully, unceasingly good.

“God is Good. All The Time.” Collection

The God is Good. All the Time Collection serves as the reminder to you, and others who will encounter you wearing the pieces, the truth about who God is.

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