Introducing our new T-Shirt Collection

Never Forsaken

Never Forsaken Tshirt

This sleek minimalist t-shirt is based on the bible scripture Hebrews 13:5.

We know and believe that God is faithful and will never reject us, forsake us or abandon us as his children.

If you battle with accepting that and believing that, get this tee! Every time you wear it, you will be reminded of His Word.


Blessed in The City

Blessed in the City Tshirt

This sleek minimalist t-shirt is based on the bible scripture Deuteronomy 28:3.

The entire chapter is a must read, and one thing we grasped from it is that the blessings are our for the taking. Through our obedience to God, we know that these blessings are ours.

This t-shirt is a faith declaration. Walk in faith and claim these Abraham blessings for yourself and your descendants. You are blessed in the city, in the field and wherever else you go.


Flawed and Loved

Flawed and Loved Tshirt

This sleek minimalist t-shirt is based on the bible scripture John 8:38-39.

Acknowledging our flaws and our imperfections is something we are not ashamed to do because we know that God our creator would never cease to love us no matter how flawed we may perceive ourselves to be.

This t-shirt will encourage you to stop disqualifying yourself and minimizing who you are because God has already said he loves you and has already guaranteed that absolutely nothing could separate you from his love.



Strong and Courageous Tshirt

This sleek minimalist t-shirt is Based on the bible scripture Joshua 1:9

This tee is the ultimate faith encouragement. If you know a little about the story of Joshua, you would know he was not the strongest or most qualified for the task God was giving him, but he received these words “be strong and courageous, do not fear”.

There are seasons we enter in that cause us to doubt and fear, this t-shirt will remind you that God is with you and for that reason, you should have faith, courage and strength which comes from trusting in God.

Victoria Simba